Xiaomi, a day after launching the Redmi 3s, has now launched yet another variant of Redmi 3 dubbed Redmi 3X in China. The Redmi 3X is pretty-much similar to the Redmi 3s, but comes in a single 2GB RAM, 32GB storage variant, instead of two, and is headed exclusively to China-based carrier China Unicom.
The Xiaomi Redmi 3X features metal build, 5-inch HD display, Snapdragon 430 SoC, 13MP rear camera, 5MP front camera, Hybrid dual-SIM slot (second slot doubles as storage), 4G LTE, fingerprint scanner, MIUI 7 based on Android and a beefy 4100mAh battery.
Xiaomi Redmi 3X specifications
5-inch HD (1280 x 720 pixels) IPS display
octa-core Snapdragon 430 SoC w/ Adreno 505 GPU
32GB internal storage, microSD card support
13MP rear camera w/ LED flash, PDAF, f/2.0 aperture, 1080p video recording
5MP front camera
Android based MIUI 7
Hybrid dual-SIM slot (micro SIM + nano SIM or micro SIM + microSD card)
WiFI 802.11 b/g/n
Bluetooth 4.1
4100mAh battery
The Xiaomi Redmi 3X is priced at CNY 899 ($136 | Rs. 8,000) and comes in Silver and Gold color option. As mentioned earlier, the phone will be exclusive to China Unicom.
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